For most of who grew up in the 50's they were wonderful years.  Life was a little less sophisticated then.  There was far less distractions in these very important years of emotional and social development than today as we approach the 21st century.

The world had recovered from the Great Depression and the World Wars had ended. There was a far greater sense or community, and family. Single lead households were a rarity since neither men or women seem to be afraid of the word - commitment.  Sitting in the living room listening to radio broadcasts or records playing on the gramophone.  You were indeed considered fortunate to have the latest in technology - a black and white television set.

Just think of it!  Furniture was built by carpenters instead of being mass produced. Most minor electrical work in the household was done by our dads. Many of us wore our school shoes with cut-out cardboard soles then they developed holes.  Receiving hand-me down clothing was treated as a special occasion.  Food tasted better too.

These were years of celebration and certainly not even our own birthday's could compare t the event of Christmas Day.  Peace and joy were profound words used appropriately. Somehow our parents seemed to be able to make do without access to credit cards, and stores made a good profit without using every possible tactic in an advertising campaign.

As adolescents our development was strengthened the love and support of our parents, relatives, neighbours, teachers, and friends. As adolescents we did not decided on friends as a result of what they had in material worth, but in the graciousness of their ability to share.



Each of us In maturity each of us begin our own families dearly holding on the lessons that we learned. The memories of traditions that our parents valued and instilled in each of us.  Now it's up to a new generation to pass on the meaning of what Christmas is all about.

Now it's our turn to see our children's eye's sparkle with anticipation of Santa's visit on December 25th. Now it's our turn put out the cookies and a glass of warm milk.  We have to try our best to figure out exactly what our children hope Santa added to his list.

Finally we are old enough ourselves to trim the Christmas tree. But not to worry if you've forgotten how artificial trees are so well made today that they appear more real than ever and are in just about every possible colour.

Cooking a humongous meal gets easier too. Their are microwaves, various ovens, and you no longer have to worry about someone slamming the door when you have a cake baking in the oven.


Family become separated by argument and divorce. The most loving family is shattered by life taking accidents and natural disasters. Childless couples loose their loving partner after 30 years or more.  Children are in hospitals fighting for their lives while parents have to try and come to terms with the statistical odds. More people commit suicide close to December 25th than any other time of year. Family income is cut off by loss of work.

People seek refuge in foreign countries from homelands torn by civil and/or religious wars. Did you ever stop to think they may not have enough language skills to know who to ask for help.

My friends it is easy for those of us who have the basic necessities of life to to consider how very fortunate we are. To stop and give thanks to God for our great wealth.  We can't assume that charities can every come close to filling all the needs no matter how hard they try.


While we are not sure when Jesus Christ was actually born - we are sure of the message that he delivered during His life with us on earth.  Love they Neighbour! Love one another as I love you!

When you seriously stop and think about it you'll be surprised at how easy this direction is to follow and uphold. Here are a few suggestions that I'd like to share.

Use the Parents Teachers Association, or Neighbourhood friends to make sure that no child (especially of school age) will be without this year.  Make sure this little child does not return to school and have the cruel fate of having to admit they did not receive a single gift.  

Other excellent resources to coming to the assistance of parent's is speaking to your family doctor, and to church fellowships.


APARTMENT TENANTS: Prior to Christmas with your own family consider holding a party in the lobby or another common area serving refreshments. You will be surprised at how many people will volunteer to provide cookies, small sandwiches, cakes.

PERSONAL FRIENDS:  If you know of several friends who like you will be alone this Christmas invite them over to your house. Share expenses if need be.

In you have a suggestion to add to the above please feel free to contact me and I will gladly add it.





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